یہ انگریز کی ان غداروں کی زندگی میں جاری کردہ کتاب چیفز اینڈ ٹرائبز آف پنجاب کتاب سے لی گئی فہرست ہیں اس میں سب سے حیران کُن بات یہ ہے کہ پنجاب میں انگریز کے کُتے نہلانے والے مسلمانوں میں 99 فیصد تعداد افغانیوں، بلوچوں، داؤدپوتروں ،اور شاہوں کی تھی خیر اس کتاب میں مذکور پنجاب میں قابض سبھی انگریز کے وفادار نوابوں اور سرداروں کے نام اور انکے 1857 کی جنگِ آزادی میں انگریز کے کُتے بن کر اُنکے تلوے چاٹ پر پنجاب میں جاگیریں لینے کے کارنامے لکھ دیئے ہیں اصلی کتاب بھی وٹسایپ پر سب دوستوں کو بھیج چکا ہوں ، چیفز اینڈ ٹرائبز آف پنجاب بائے میسی کسی بھی لائبریری سے آپ کو مل جائے گی یہ انگریز دور میں پنجاب میں انگریز کے کتوروں پر لکھی ہوئی کتاب ہے جنہوں نے پنجاب میں انگریز سے جاگیریں لیں ، اور پتا ہے کیا؟ ان میں نا تو مسلمان جٹ پنجابی ہیں نا ہی مسلمان راجپوت پنجابی نا ہی مسلمان گُجر پنجابی نا ہی مسلمان ارائیں پنجابی ہیں اس کتاب میں تمام دین فروش انگریز کے پالتو افغانی، پٹھان، بلوچ، اور شاہ، اور قزلباش ہیں
اور مزے دار بات یہ ہے کہ انکی بندر باٹ سب سے زیادہ پنجاب کے جنوب اور مغرب میں تھی انکو انگریز نے جاگیریں زیادہ تر جنوبی پنجاب اور پنجاب کے ضمنی صوبے سرحد میں الاٹ کیں یہ غیرت مند پٹھان یہ ایمانی غیرت سے لبریز پختون و بلوچ سبھی انگریز کا پٹکا گلے میں ڈال کر پنجابیوں کے قتل عام کے بدلے پنجاب میں انگریز سے کیسے جاگیریں لیتے رہے نیچے موجود ساری پوسٹ کو پڑھ کر آپکو اندازہ ہوجائے گا آج یہ اپنی وہی جاگیریں بچانے کے لیے پنجاب توڑنا چاہتے ہیں جو انہوں نے انگریز کی دلالی سے حاصل کی تھی،
کتاب کی اصلی تحریر کو ہر غدار کے نام کے ساتھ لکھ دیا ہے یہ انگریزی ورژن ہے اگلے ورژن میں اسے مکمل اردو ترجمے کے ساتھ نشر کروں گا
یہ ساری فہرست CHIEFS AND FAMILIES OF NOTE میں سے لی گئی ہے
رکن الدولہ ، نصرت جنگ، حافظ الملک، مخلص الدولہ، نواب بہادر، نواب صادق محمد خان داؤدپوترا
انکے انگریز کے لیے کارنامے بہت طویل ہیں اور ایک الگ پوسٹ میں انہیں بیان کرچکا ہوں
ملیر کوٹلہ
نواب محمد ابراہیم علی خان، افغان
نواب ممتاز حسین علی خان ، افغان
نواب امیرالدین احمد خان، مُغل
نواب جلال الدولہ مستقل جنگ بہادر، نواب محمد ممتاز علی خان افغان
دہلی ڈویژن
مرزا سلمان شکوہ (مغل)
Mirza Suliman Shikoh takes the leading place on the list of Viceregal Darbaris of the Dehli district : his brothers Suraya Jah and Ikbal Shah are also Darbaris. They have inherited position and fortune from their father Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh, whose devotion to the British cause in 1857 was of the highest value ; and they are connected with the Royal House of Dehli through Begum Umdat-ul-Zamani, daughter of Alamgir the Second. Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh had considerable influence in the Palace through the friendship borne him by the Begum Zinat Mahal, favourite wife of Bahadar Shah, jast King of Dehli. A daughter of the Mirza’s had been married to the King’s eldest son Fateh-ul-Mulk Mirza Fakharu, who died shortly before the outbreak of the Mutiny. Mirza Ilahi Bakhsh remained inside the City during the Siege, and was able to furnish important intelligence of the movements of the rebels, and to assist and protect our agents.
. صفحہ 159
محمد سراج الدین حیدر خان آف فرخ نگر(بُخاری)
Shekh Umar Din came from Bokhara with Sultan Shahabudin Ghori, and settled at Sultanpur near the junction of the Bias with the Satlaj. His sons moved down to Dehli and were appointed Muftis of the present town of Riwari. This honorable office remained with the family for some generations. Aman-ul-Hak, in the time of Akbar Sani of Dehli, took service with the Raja Raghoji of Nagpur, and served him for many years. His grandson Hasain Khan was given the Subadarship of Bhandara in Nagpur ; and when the British annexed the State in 1853 on the death of the Third Raghoji v/ithout issue, he was appointed an Extra Assistant Commissioner in the Central Provinces.
صفحہ 162
Mahomed Zafar Ali Khan held the post of Subadar in Nagpur for nine years, on a salary of Rs, 6,000 per annum.
نواب ابراہیم علی خان آف کنج پورا (پٹھان)
They are Rohilas of Eusafzai origin, and class themselves with other Pathans settled in the Panipat Tahsil as Zaka Khels, though their identity with any existing tribe on the Peshawar Frontier has long since been lost.
They were classed as Rohila Pathans, and received employment about the Dehli Court in the early days of the Mahomedan conquests. But they were of small account until one of their number, Najabat Khan, founded the fortunes of the family by his own pluck and energy. He flourished in the early part of the eighteenth century, and af- ter serving as a captain in the Imperial Forces, secured for himself a considerable tract of fertile land along an arm of the Jamna as it then flowed in a channel now dry, known as the Puran, in the present Pipli Tahsil of the Ambala district.
صفحہ 169
Since 1852 the Nawabs have been allow- ed a fixed sum of Rs. 3,210 annually in lieu of all claims to tolls and customs dues of every description.
صفحہ 173
These yield a rental of Rs. 23,130 annually, while about Rs. 14,000 are received in the form of house-rent, garden income and miscellaneous revenue.
صفحہ 180
نواب عظمت علی خان، منڈل (لیاقت علی خان کا پردادا)
In point of mere income, they have considerably benefited, the present revenue of the par- gana being Rs. 65,265, as against Rs. 25,000 (after deducting nazarana), when the estates were made over to the family in 1806.
The late head of the Mandal house, Nawab Ahmad Ali Khan, rendered loyal services in 1857, and these were duly acknowledged in a letter from Lord Canning to the Chief Commissioner of the Panjab in the following terms : —” His Lordship is of opinion that the liberality of Government in the acknowledgment of the Nawab’s services should be as unstinted as his support and assistance have been unhesitating. The Nawab’s services have been most valuable, as testified by all officers, both Civil and Military, who have had an opportunity of forming a judgment on the subject. From the first, the Nawab openly and fearlessly espoused the cause of the British Government, and his acts have been throughout in accordance with his professions.
نواب فضل احمد خان آف پانی پت (عرب انصاری)
He was forward on all occasions in offers of assistance to the district authorities, and during the Mutiny he was actively loyal, helping to the best of his ability in pre- serving order in his native town and in furnishing suppliesfor the troops before Dehli. He was the recognized head of the Panipat Ansaris, or Helpers of the Prophet, who trace their descent from Khwaja Abdula Pirof Hirat, one of whose children, Khwaja Malak AH, in the reign of Sultan Alaudin Musud, o^randson of Shamshudin Altamash, mio^rated to Dehli, and finally fixed his abode at Panipat. The family is undoubtedly of great respectability, being one of the very few in the Province able to prove beyond dispute that the highest offices in the old Mahomedan Empire were held by their ancestors for several generations.
جالندھر ڈویژن
شہزادہ نادر سڈوزئی (افغان)
(کابل کے بھگوڑے حکمران شاہ شجاع الملک کی اولاد)
In 181 3 he visted Lahore, still in search of some one who would help him to re-conquer his kingdom. There Ranjit Singh exchanged turbans with him as a token of the sincerest friendship, and after a little manoeuvring, induced him to give up the Koh-i-Niir dia- mond, which the Maharaja had longed to possess. صفحہ 234
Shahzada Nadar, youngest son of Shah Shujah, is now at the head of the family. His elder brother Shahzada Shahpur, who had been in receipt of an allowance of Rs. 4,800 per annum from Government, died in 1884. Shahzada Nadar is President of the Municipal Committee, Honorary Magistrate, and Sub-Registrar of Ludhiana.
فیض طالب خان آف رائے کوٹ
مولوی سیّد شریف حسین آف جگراؤں
Sayad Sharif Hasain is the son of Maulvi Rajab Ali, one of the most worthy of the many excellent men who served Government in the days of the Board of Administration at Lahore. The family is beyond doubt an old one, and of the highest respectability. Their ancestry dates back to Sayad Mahmud, a celebrated theologian, who, in 1502, left his home in Multan, and attached himself to Sakandar Lodi of Dehli. Fifty years later, in Akbar’ s time, the Sayad was given a jagir of five hundred bigas near Batala, in the Gurdaspur district. صفحہ 264
He received jagir assignments valued at Rs. 2,696 per annum in Aligarh and both Talwandis, Tahsil Jagraon, Ludhiana, ” in consideration of most valuable services rendered to the State, at the time of the negotiations with the Ruler of the Panjab to obtain permission for the British Forces to cross the Sikh Frontier and proceed to
Afghanistan in the campaigns which led to the annexation of the Panjab, and during the Siege of Dehli in 1857.” صفحہ 266
He received cash rewards of Rs. 10,000 in recognition of his services during the Siege.
نواب نظام الدین خاں آف ممڈوت
(پٹھان،پہلے قصور میں مقیم تھے)
In 1848 his contingent, under his brother Jalaludin, behaved
well at Multan, and Jamaludin was granted the title of Nawab and the contingent of one hundred horsemen was reduced to sixty in time of peace and seventy in war.
صفحہ 269
His revenue system was but robbery extortion and violence. The Dogars were the especial objects of his hatred, for by their aid his father had been driven from the country; but all classes, Hindus and Mahomedans, felt his heavy hand. Robbery flourished under his protection, and even the property of British subjects was not secure from his gangs of thieves, who shared the booty with their master.
صفحہ 270
سردار خان ، قصوریا
ضلع لدھیانہ
سردار محمد ہمدم سڈوزئی (افغانی)
خان بہادر رائے عنایت خان آف رائیکوٹ
میر سیّد احمد آف جگراؤں
سردار حسن رضا آف لدھیانہ
شہزادہ سلطان فغفور آف لدھیانہ
ضلع لاہور۔
نواب نثار علی خان قِزلباش
شہزادہ صالح محمد
فقیر سید حسین الدین ، بخاری
شیخ غیاث الدین
ملک غلام محمد خان آف بیتو
لاہور کا سڈوزئی خاندان
لاہور کا مالوائی خاندان
خان بہادر سردار محمد شہباز خان خلف زئی آف قصور
شہزادہ احمد علی درانی
پشاور ڈویژن
ہزارہ ضلع۔
نواب سر محمد اکرم خان آف امب (تنولی)
During the Mutiny he streno– thened the garrisons and guards in his territories and pre- served an unbroken quiet. He furnished a contingent of horse, and his bearing and undoubted allegiance had great weight at a time when the lower orders were looking for a sign. In the expedition against the fanatic Sayads and Hindustanis of Satana under Sir Sidney Cotton, in 1858, he was present at the head of his clansmen, and his services were acknowledged by the General in his official despatches.
صفحہ 421
He supplied a body of horsemen for service in 1857, and personally opposed the crossing through Hazara of the mutineers of the 55th Regiment from Swat into Kashmir. He also did useful service against the Satana fanatics in 1858, and in reward was presented with a valuable khilat. Abdul Rahman, his grandson, is now Chief of Phalera in Feudal Tanaul.
صفحہ 423
راجہ جہانداد خان،خان بہادر ، گکھڑ، آف خان پور
According to a return recently furnished by the Deputy Commissioner of Hazara, the Gakhars of Hazara are separated into sixteen families or houses, owning 82,450 acres, assessed at Rs. 23,477 of revenue, of which Rs. 7,626 are retained in jag-ir ; Rs. 22,^ in mafis ; and Rs. 1,095 in chaharam dues. The headmen also divide a lambardari cess of Rs. 565.
صفحہ 431
سمندر خان گھڑی حبیب اللہ (سواتی،عربی النسل)
علی گوہر خان آف اگرور (افغانی)
سید محمد خان، کرل (
His father, Ali Bahadar, was in receipt of ajagir of the annual value of Rs. 980 from the Sikhs,
صفحہ 437
In the Mutiny he and his brothers, Ata Mahomed and Ali Gohar, proceeded with their armed retainers and clansmen to Murree on the first intimation of the Dhund outbreak, and rendered faithful service until they were allowed by the Commissioner to return to their homes. Ali Bahadar was awarded a cash allowance of Rs. 200 per annum, and the three brothers received valuable khilats in public Darbar.
صفحہ 437
خان زمان خان کالابات (عثمانزئی)
In 1857 the brothers contribut- ed their quota of horse and foot to the levies which were being raised for service in Hindustan.
صفحہ 440
قاضی فضل الٰہی آف سکندرپور (اعوان)
Ghulam Ahmad was killed in attempting to put down an outbreak of the Dhamtaur Pathans in 1846, and as his sons were minors the lead in family was taken by Abdul Ghafar, a man of immense energy, who rendered valuable service to Major Abbott in the critical years of 1847-49. He was made Tahsildar in Hazara,
صفحہ 441
دوست محمد خان آف شِنگری (تنولی)
He was again forward in assisting at the suppression of the Dhund rising in the neighbourhood of Murree in 1857, losing his eyesight from the effects of exposure. He was rewarded with a perpetual jagir of Rs. 1,780. His son, the present Khan, has succeeded to this jagir, and holds revenue assign- ments valued at Rs. 2,779 in Shingri,
صفحہ 443
مقدم غُلام احمد آف کوٹ نجیب اللہ
ضلع پشاور۔
نواب وزیرزادہ محمد افضل خان، کے ایس آئی، سڈوزئی (افغانی بھگوڑے)
He shared in both Sikh Wars and placed his
services at the disposal of Sir Herbert Edwardes, Commissioner of Peshawar, in the Mutiny of 1857. During this latter crisis he sent his son Afzal, the present head, to fight before Dehli ; while Abas Khan, another son, was stationed at Hoti Mardan, and helped to preserve order along the border. Aslam Khan (now Major), in like manner, came for- ward and enlisted in the Cavalry.
صفحہ 449
ارباب محمد حسین خان، مہمند
The Mohmands have always been loyal to the British, and their Chiefs have rendered good service on many occasions. Arbabs Mahomed Khan and Juma Khan accompanied George Lawrence to Kohat when he was driven out of Peshawar by the Sikh mutineers in 1848, and secured him a safe conduct through the Pass.
صفحہ 455
Juma Khan, who was head of the other branch of the family, rendered excellent service on many occasions. This was recognised in a Sanad granted him in 1S77 in the name of Her Majesty the Queen-Empress,
صفحہ 456
قاضی عبدالقادر خان آف پشاور (قاضی خیل، یوسفزئی، دولتزئی شاخ سے)
His son Ghulam Kadir took up his abode at Peshawar after the Kabul catastrophe and rendered loyal service in 1857, receiving in reward a perpetual jagir in Mauza Noda, Tapa Hashtnagar, yielding Rs. 1,200 per annum,
صفحہ 461
ارباب محمد عباس خان، خلیل، آف تاہکل بالا (گھوریا خیل افغان)
Mahomed Amir and Abdul ]\Iajid Khan subsequently rendered good service in 1857, and their jagirs were confirmed in perpetuity
صفحہ 466
محمد خان، سردار بہادُر (افغانی پناہ گیر)
His gallant conduct on many occasions during the Mutiny secured him the rank of Rasal- dar-Major. He retired in 1873 on a pension of Rs. 2,280 per annum, when his services were further acknowledged by the grant to him of 453 acres in proprietary right in the village of Laram.
صفحہ 469
خواجہ محمد خان کمالزئی آف ہوتی (افغانی پناہ گیر)
He receives an allowance of Rs. 500 per annum.
محمد عمر خان کھادرزئی آف شیوا
He was present with the British troops in the Narinji Expedition in 1857, and in the following year took part in the operations against Satana,
صفحہ 475
محمد اکبر خان آف ٹوپی (عثمانی زئی پٹھان)
سردار بہادر حبیب خان آف کھُنڈا (افغانی پناہ گیر ، دولت خیل سڈوزئی)
In 1848 Habib Khan was appointed Subadar in the Sabaz Patka Regiment raised for service in the Sikh Rebellion. He had been the personal orderly of Major George Lawrence when that officer held political charge of Peshawar;
صفحہ 477
It must suffice to record that this gallant officer fought in five different frontier expeditions, besides having been present at and around Dehli throughout the eventful years of 1857-58. For his Mutiny services he was rewarded with the Order of Merit, and he received an allowance equal to two-thirds of his pay. This was still further augmented after the Mahsud Waziri Expedition of i860 ; while for gallant conduct at Ambeyla, three years later, he was made a Sardar Bahadar. He for many years held the honorable position of Subadar-Major in the ist Panjab Infantry ;
صفحہ 478
مولوی محمد جان آف کافر ڈھیری (عمرزئی پٹھان)
حسین شاہ آف ولئی (کاکا خیل)
His father Papa Mian, a man locally reputed as a saint, behaved loyally in the Mutiny and put in the weight of his counsels on our side. On his death in 1867, Hasain Shah succeeded to the family jagir of nearly seventeen hundred ghumaos in the village of Walai, Tahsil Naoshahra. He is a Viceregal Darbari.
صفحہ 480
دوست محمد خان آف گڑی دولت زئی (امان زئی، کپرخیل پٹھان)
He supplied a small body of horse and foot in the Narinji Expedition of 1857, and was awarded an annual cash allowance of Rs. 120, which was in- creased to Rs. 250, after the Ambeyla War. He was granted mafis aggregating Rs. 69 in the villages of Garhi Mahbub Band and Hosai in connection with services rendered during the recent settlement operations.
صفحہ 482
اکبر خان آف اسماعیلیہ (اکو خیل)
خان بہادر ابراہیم خان آف مردان (کشرانزئی، کمالزئی)
In 1853 Ibrahim Khan took service as a Havaldar in the Police Battalion, known as the Sherdils. He was pro- moted Jamadar in the Mutiny. In 1864 he was appointed an Inspector, and served as such at Amritsar and Peshawar. Six years later he was deputed to visit Yarkand in a semipolitical capacity.
صفحہ 486
محبت خان آف تورو ، مردان (مشرانزئی کمالزئی)
He also has loyally served Government on many occasions. He was with us in the Waziri Expedition of 1859, in command of ten sowars and twenty footmen sent by his father. He also shared in the Ambeyla Campaign of 1863 ; and in the late Kabul War he was employed for some months in a subordinate political capacity. He was rewarded with a mafi grant in perpetuity valued at Rs. 430 per annum. He is a Viceregal Darbari of the Peshawar district.
صفحہ 488
آذاد خان آف ہُنڈ (سڈوزئی پٹھان)
ضلع کوہاٹ۔
سردار سُلطان جان (افغانی پناہ گیر)
In 1849 the Shahzada was posted to Kohat as Extra Assistant Commissioner, and with this district he was closely connected for the remainder of his service, which lasted until 1869, in which year he died of cholera. During the Mutiny he exerted himself in every way to check the spread of false in- telligence, and by various means to prevent disaffection and encourage the well-disposed. He was rewarded with a khilat of Rs. 2,500, and his jagir of Rs. 2,300 was confirmed to the family in perpetuity.
صفحہ 491
He and his brother Taifur led one hundred horse to Hindustan in 1857, and did good service in the Aluzafarnagar district, guarding the Ganges Ferries, and afterwards marching with General John Coke,
صفحہ 493
نواب سر خواجہ محمد خان، تری (اکوڑہ خٹک کے تیری پٹھان)
In the Second Sikh War of 1848, when the issue was still doubtful, he actively opposed the Barakzai Governor, corresponding regularly with our officials and keeping them informed of all that passed ; and after annexation he lent Reynell Taylor every possible assistance in keeping the wild and lawless mountain tribes in order.
صفحہ 500
In 1857 the Khan with his own clansmen held the fort of Bahadar Khel and the posts of Latamar and Nari, thereby setting free the military garrisons ; and he despatched a contingent of horse and foot to Peshawar, remaining himself in attendance on the Deputy Commissioner of Kohat. "It would have been impossible,” Edvvardes writes, ” for any Chief to behave better.
صفحہ 502
نوابزادہ رستم خان ، بنگش (بائیزئی بنگش)
In 1857 Bahadar Sher Khan placed himself under the orders of Sir Herbert Edwardes at Peshawar, who wrote of his loyalty in the highest terms.
صفحہ 500
مظفر خان تحصیل دار آف ہنگو
خان بہادر محمد عثمان خان آف ہنگو
He did good service during the Mutiny of 1857, and was granted a jagir of Rs. 100 per annum for life.
صفحہ 520
شیر محمد خان
Ghulam Haidar had no opportunity of actively displaying his loyalty during the Mutiny ; but his cousin Fatah Ali took service in the troop of horse raised by Coke, and was promoted to Rasaldar in recognition of his gallant conduct before Dehli, and again in Rohilkand.
صفحہ 525
سید احمد شاہ، بانوری (عربی النسل)
بلند خان ، خٹک ، آف خوشالگڑھ (اکوڑہ خٹک کا سردار)
سید مخدوم شاہ جیلانی
Sayad Makhdum Shah is a Provincial Darbari
خانزادہ فتح محمد خان آف نیلب (خٹک)
Jafar Khan sent some levies to Naushera and Peshawar during the Mutiny, and on return was granted an additional pension of Rs. 822.
صفحہ 533
ڈیرہ جات ڈویژن
ضلع بنّوں۔
خان عبداللہ، خان بہادر، آف عیسیٰ خیل
On one occasion, after being out all day with his squadron, he met with a party of the 6th Foot, who were returning to camp in the evening, weary and prostrated with
fatigue. He at once dismounted his men, and making the English soldiers mount the horses, led them into camp.
Mahomed Sarfaraz Khan resigned in 1858, after the pacification of Hariana, and was rewarded with a jagir of Rs. 1,000 and the title of Khan Bahadar.
صفحہ 541
ملک یار محمد خان آف کالاباغ (اعوان)
میاں سُلطان علی آف میانوالی (عربی النسل)
مانی خان، سپرکئی وزیر، آف گڑھی مانی خان (درویش خیل وزیری)
ضلع ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان۔
الہ داد خان، سڈوزئی (نواب محمد سرفراز خان کا بیٹا)
Nawab Sher Mahomed Khan is better known under his honorary title of Shah Nawaz Khan. The jagir he received in 1836 from the Sikhs was valued at a lakh of rupees per annum, with the condition of occasional personal attendance on the Maharaja w^ith a quota of horsemen. This w^as shortly afterwards commuted to a jagir of Rs. 60,000, free of service.
صفحہ 556
The area of jagir lands held by the family in Dera Ismail Khan is about 320,000 acres, yielding a revenue of Rs. 36,887. They also hold nearly thirteen thousand acres in Multan.
صفحہ 557
نواب رب نواز خان، علیزئی (درانی) (قندھار کے بھگوڑے مُلتان اور پھر ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان پر قابض ہوئے)
When Nawab Mahomed Khan, Sadozai, came from Multan to take up the governorship of the Dera Province in 1792, he brought with him a number of Pathans, mostly of Durani origin, who served in his army, and gradually spread out and settled in the districts under his rule. There are still several families of so-called Multani Pathans in Dera Ismail Khan. They are, however, essentially a foreign race, and have but little connection with the people of the country. Chief amongst them is Nawab Rab Nawaz Khan, Alizai, son of the illustrious Faujdar Khan, who was one of the most worthy of the many good men who have rendered loyal service to Her Majesty since the Panjab was added to the Empire. A section of the Multani Pathans had overrun the Tank Ilaka on their own account after the break-up of the Durani Kingdom, holding its revenues in jagir, and would no doubt have continued to extend their dominion had not Sir Herbert Edwardes forcibly ousted them in favor of Nawab Shah Nawaz Khan shortly after British influence first began to make itself felt along the western border.
صفحہ 560
نواب حافظ عبداللہ خان، علیزئی (درانی) (قندھار کے بھگوڑے مُلتان اور پھر ڈیرہ اسماعیل خان پر قابض ہوئے)
For his services generally before annexation, Ghulam Hasan was awarded a jagir of Rs. i,ooo per annum in perpetuity in addition to his cash allowance of Rs. 2,400 granted in lieu of his jagir rights in the Tank Ilaka.
صفحہ 568
نواب غلام قاسم خان آف ٹانک (کاٹی خیل)
نواب عطاء محمد خان، خاکوانی
Ata Mahomed Khan volunteered for service in Hindustan on the outbreak of the Mutiny, and proceeded by forced marches with a troop of horse to join Nicholson at Mardan. He engaged the rebels outside Jhilam, losing- several of his men in action, and then followed in Nicholson’s tracks to Gurdaspur and finally on to Dehli. He was detached after the fall of the city to Rohtak and Hissar.
صفحہ 581
حافظ سمندر خان، خواجکزئی
Samandar Khan has a mafi of eighty-four acres in two villages of Tahsil Dera, and he owns land, yielding about one thousand rupees per annum, in the districts of Dera, Muzafargarh and Multan.
صفحہ 585
سردار محمد افضل خان، گنڈاپور
He also owns about eleven thousand acres in the Kalachi Tahsil.
صفحہ 590
سردار علاوردی خان آف ہزارہ (قِزلباش)
The Sardar has acquired about one hundred and seventy acres by purchase in Mauzas Hazara and Bahal in the Bhakkar Tahsil, and he has received a grant of three thousand five hundred acres at Pak Patan, Montgomery. He exercises magisterial powers within the limits of his jagir.
صفحہ 590
سربلند خان، اسماعیل زئی
Sarbiland Khan owns 2,230 acres in six villages in the Dera, Bhakar and Muzafargarh Tahsils.
صفحہ 594
غلام سرور خان، سڈوزئی
This Darbari is nearly related to the Nawab Sarfaraz Khan. His father, Hayatula Khan, did good service when the Sikh Army revolted at Bannu and Multan. He was awarded a pension of Rs. 4,000 and a perpetual jagir valued atRs. 1,000 per annum, partly in recognition of loyal services and partly in lieu of the Tank jagir rights which he was made to surrender with the other Multani grantees. He acted later on as a Tahsildar for a short period,
صفحہ 595
He has acquired ownership of about six hundred acres in three villages of Dera and Bhakar Tahsils.
صفحہ 596
ضلع ڈیرہ غازی خان۔
نواب سر امام بخش خان مزاری
کارناموں کی فہرست بہت لمبی ہے صفحہ 602 سے 613 تک ملاحظہ کریں
لب لباب یہ کہ انگریز نے مزاریوں کے انگریز سرکار کے لیے کارناموں کے عوض انہیں ڈیرہ ،راجن پور ملتان اور سندھ میں کشمور تک نوازہ
نواب محمد خان، لغاری
An znam of Rs. 1 2,000 is payable from the jamas of eight villages, from which the Tumandar collects in kind at the rate of one-fifth, except in the Darkhwast and Ganehar,
صفحہ 617
میاں شاہ نواز خان سرائی آف حاجی پور (کلہوڑو)
He sits on a gadi or cushion, and never rises when any one enters the room. He is spoken of as the Gadi-nashin. Until the death of the late Mian Sahib a pair of kettle-drums was always played whilst he was seated on the gadi. Mian Shah Nawaz Khan married a daughter of Fazal Mahomed, Kalhora of Burai, in the Khairpur Taluka of the Shikarpur district, but has no children living.
صفحہ 625
سردار بہادر خان ، کھوسہ
To Sakandar Khan, Rs. 5,000 in cash, five hundred acres of land from Rakh Chabri ; and to Sardar Bahadar Khan, three hundred acres from Rakh Chabri. The land-grants were free of revenue and water-advantage rates for the term of settlement.
صفحہ 631
Sardar Bahadar Khan is an Honorary Magistrate. He enjoys an inam of Rs. 5,000, of which Rs. 600 are payable to Sakandar Khan. In addition to this, inams are payable to other members of the family as follows
صفحہ 632
سردار میران خان، دریشک
In August, 1857, the Maris, taking advantage of the unprotected state of the frontier, made a raid in force on the plains. They collected an immense number of cattle, killing the herdsmen, and drove them towards the hills. Hearing of what was happening, Sardar Bijar Khan, who was patrolling the country at the head of some mounted Drishaks, went in pursuit and came up with the Maris, over two hundred in number, at the Biiagiari Pass. Khatu Khan Bughti here joined him with fifty sowars ; and some levies, under Musa Khan Laghari from the Drigri Post, also came up. But the latter were not prepared to close with the Maris, who alighted from their horses and evidently meant fighting. The Drishaks also alighted and had to bear the brunt of the fight. Sardar Bijar Khan and his eldest son Drehan Khan were killed with thirtyeight other Drishaks ; and the Maris, who lost comparatively few men, made their way into the hills with the booty.
صفحہ 632
Rs. 1,000 per annum was bestowed upon Sardar Miran Khan,
صفحہ 636
Sardar Miran Khan estimates his income, including the inam and pension, at Rs. 10,000 per annum.
صفحہ 636
سردار جلاب خان ، گُرچانی
سردار احمد خان ، سُوری لُنڈ
سردار فضل علی خان ، قیصرانی
In the regular settlement an inam of Rs. 1,200 per annum was bestowed upon the Tumandar. Kaura Khan also received an 2na};i of Rs. 300 per annum, but lost his right of collecting in kind from the Tibi villages.
اللہ بخش خان، سڈوزئی
The Dera Ghazi Khan branch of the Sadozais are des- cended from Haji Sharif Khan, who was appointed Nawab of Multan, and afterwards of Dera Ghazi Khan by Ahmad Shah Durani. He held a jagir valued at Rs. 25,000 per annum.
صفحہ 652
سردار مزار خان ، تبی لُنڈ
The Lunds could only muster fifteen hundred all told ; but Lashkar Khan scorned to remain behind walls, and attacked them in the open, inflicting a severe defeat on them, and killing three hundred men. Islam Khan, the Bughti Chief, asked for terms on the field of battle, and was spared with three hundred men. They were hospitably entertained in Tibi Lund, and their wounds dressed, after which they were escorted back to the hills. The Bughtis still cherish the memory of this kind treatment.
صفحہ 655
Sardar Mazar Khan is a fine specimen of a Frontier Chief. He is a man of keen intelligence and will, and in appearance is a typical Biluch.
صفحہ 657
محمد ماسو خان نوٹکانی
میاں اللہ بخش خان آف تونسہ (عربی النسل برکزئی پیر)
محمد خان، میرانی
Mahmud Khan Gujar, who had been Wazir of the last Ghazi Khan, was continued as governor, and had power for upwards of thirty years, both over Dera Ghazi Khan and Muzafargarh. He bore the title of Janisar Khan. The last Ghazi Khan died in 1772. He was an incompetent man and given to drink, and the real power was wielded by Wazir Mahmud Khan.
ضلع مظفرگڑھ
محمد سیف اللہ خان آف خان گڑھ (پٹھان)
میاں محبوب خان بہادر، گُرمانی
حالات کے دھارے
ہر شخص کی نوجوانی میں ایک ایسا وقت یا ایسا لمحہ ضرور آتا ہے، جب نوجوان لڑکے، لڑکیوں میں جذباتیت...